Agents of Democracy

A wave of authoritarianism is currently spreading from East to West, attacking civil society and with it a fundamental pillar of democracy. NGOs are portrayed by governments as an open door for the unwelcome influence of foreign powers. Countries across all continents are affected, regardless of their form of government. “Agents of Democracy: Civil Society Under Attack” documents this global phenomenon through the examples of India, Russia and Poland, and depicts the increasing suppression of civil society along with the implications this has for the future of the democratic idea.

In nations governed by populists and autocrats, civil liberties are coming under pressure. However, activists are no longer simply attacked or arrested: laws now criminalise them and deprive them of funding. Non-governmental organisations and other civil society actors who fight for democracy and human rights and are active against social injustices and environmental destruction are increasingly becoming targets of defamation campaigns, repression and criminalisation.

Are we witnessing a global, direct attack on civil society? And what happens when the “raw material of democracy” – civil society – is silenced? What can be done to counter this development? Director Sebastian Weis’ film explores this question and reports on the situation in India, Russia and Poland in chapter form. Each country exemplifies an overarching theme: environmental destruction in India, human rights in Russia and women’s rights in Poland. 

A film by​ Sebastian Weis

Co-Author Mareike Müller
First AD: Izzy Hughes-Morgan
Editors Romy Steyer, Robin Fischer
Camera Rammohan Pateriya, Knut Schmitz, Marta Stysiak, Dorota Migas Mazur, Sebastian Weis
Sound Sven Klöpper, Elmar Szücs, Anna Rok
Production Coordinator Poland Maria Krauss
Music Tim Stanzel
Grading Knut Schmitz
Mix Stani Milkowski
Line Producer Ko Miklik
Executive Producer Antje Boehmert

Commissioning Editor swr Bernd Seidl
Commissioning Edito Deutsche Welle Kate Cox

A Production by DOCDAYS Productionsin Coproduction withSWR, Deutsche Wellein association with ARTE
Distributor Autenik

Length: 1 x 52/45 Min
Release Date: 2021

A wave of authoritarianism is currently spreading from East to West, attacking civil society and with it a fundamental pillar of democracy. NGOs are portrayed by governments as an open door for the unwelcome influence of foreign powers. Countries across all continents are affected, regardless of their form of government. “Agents of Democracy: Civil Society Under Attack” documents this global phenomenon through the examples of India, Russia and Poland, and depicts the increasing suppression of civil society along with the implications this has for the future of the democratic idea.

In nations governed by populists and autocrats, civil liberties are coming under pressure. However, activists are no longer simply attacked or arrested: laws now criminalise them and deprive them of funding. Non-governmental organisations and other civil society actors who fight for democracy and human rights and are active against social injustices and environmental destruction are increasingly becoming targets of defamation campaigns, repression and criminalisation.

Are we witnessing a global, direct attack on civil society? And what happens when the “raw material of democracy” – civil society – is silenced? What can be done to counter this development? Director Sebastian Weis’ film explores this question and reports on the situation in India, Russia and Poland in chapter form. Each country exemplifies an overarching theme: environmental destruction in India, human rights in Russia and women’s rights in Poland.

A film by​ Sebastian Weis

Co-Author Mareike Müller
First AD: Izzy Hughes-Morgan
Editors Romy Steyer, Robin Fischer
Camera Rammohan Pateriya, Knut Schmitz, Marta Stysiak, Dorota Migas Mazur, Sebastian Weis
Sound Sven Klöpper, Elmar Szücs, Anna Rok
Production Coordinator Poland Maria Krauss
Music Tim Stanzel
Grading Knut Schmitz
Mix Stani Milkowski
Line Producer Ko Miklik
Executive Producer Antje Boehmert

Commissioning Editor swr Bernd Seidl
Commissioning Edito Deutsche Welle Kate Cox

A Production by DOCDAYS Productionsin Coproduction withSWR, Deutsche Wellein association with ARTE
Distributor Autenik

Length: 1 x 52/45 Min
Release Date: 2021